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Our vision is

A distinctive neighbourhood sensitively responding to the site’s topography

Our vision is to create a distinctive neighbourhood for Winchester that responds to the site’s topography, benefitting from views in and out of the site and offering a unique setting and place to live.

While preserving the character and setting of the adjacent villages, promoting biodiversity and encouraging healthy living and active travel, Sir John Moore will provide a range of much-needed new homes for all, designed and built to the highest standards of energy efficiency, alongside significant new public green spaces and hub for new community facilities.


The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is progressing proposals to bring forward new development at Sir John Moore Barracks. Situated to the north of Winchester city centre, the site is proposed to be allocated within Winchester City Council’s Draft Local Plan (Policy W2) to deliver significant residential led development of between 750-1,000 new homes.

We have so far undertaken the first two stages of our four-stage programme of engagement, which focused on gathering feedback on our revised vision and development principles, as well as welcoming further ideas in relation to the site and how it could best fit in with and support the surrounding context.

The third stage, launching August 2024 is focused on the concept masterplan, which will be refined in response to further feedback received over the coming weeks before being presented to Winchester City Council’s Cabinet.

We are committed to ensuring that our programme is as inclusive as possible, by continuing to seek input and feedback from across the whole community, including both existing and future neighbouring residents, prospective residents, local businesses and community groups.


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We want to hear your ideas for
Sir John Moore Barracks

The site

Site location

Comprised of 86.5ha of land, the site is located to the north of Winchester, between existing residential settlements of Littleton (to the west) and Harestock (to the east).
Comprised of 86.5ha of land, the site is located to the north of Winchester, between existing residential settlements of Littleton (to the west) and Harestock (to the east).


The future of Sir John Moore Barracks

This timeline is subject to change but represents our current hopes to get delivery of homes on the site to coincide with the closure of the barracks.

  1. Autumn 2023

    Stage 1 engagement events:
    Vision and development principles
    Download exhibition boards

  2. Winter 2023

    Stage 2 engagement events:
    Community workshops
    Download exhibition boards

  3. Spring 2024

    Guided site tours for the public

    Where we are now

  4. Summer 2024

    Stage 3 community engagement events:
    Concept masterplan
    Download exhibition boards

    Concept masterplan submitted to WCC cabinet process for their consideration

  5. Winter 2024

    Stage 4 engagement events:
    Final masterplan and outline planning application information

  6. Spring 2025

    Planning application intended to be submitted to Winchester City Council + Winchester City Council statutory consultation process

  7. Summer / Autumn 2025

    Currently anticipated planning committee determination of planning application

    Assuming outline planning consent is achieved

  8. Summer 2025 / Summer 2026

    Reserved Matters applications – consultation, submission and determination

    Assuming Reserved Matters planning consent

  9. Winter 2026/27

    Phased start on site

  10. 2027 onwards

    Delivery of new homes and facilities

Have your say

Ways you can give your ideas

We are continuing to undertake a comprehensive and transparent four stage consultation programme, reviewing all feedback received throughout, and where possible, incorporating this into the final proposals prior to submitting an application to Winchester City Council.

Have your say
