Concept masterplan submitted to Winchester City Council’s Cabinet
Following the third stage of our four-stage programme of consultation and engagement over the summer of 2024, the DIO has now submitted the concept masterplan to Winchester City Council for consideration as part of the Council’s Concept Masterplanning process.
The DIO would like to thank the local community for taking the time to review the concept masterplan and provide thoughtful and considered feedback as part of Stage 3, including directly to the team at the engagement events held in early September and online via the online survey and interactive map. All feedback received will be considered in detail and used to further refine the proposals into a more detailed design, to form a complete masterplan.
In the meantime, as part of the Concept Masterplanning process, the Cabinet will meet to consider the concept masterplan for Sir John Moore Barracks as part of its meeting on Wednesday 12th February 2025. This will include consideration of both the concept masterplan and the consultation and engagement programme which has helped to inform, shape and further refine it up to this stage.
Following this meeting and reflecting on the outputs from the Council’s Concept Masterplanning process, the proposals will be further refined over the coming months to form a more detailed final masterplan to support the Outline Planning Application scheme. This will form the basis of the fourth and final stage of engagement, anticipated to be held in late Spring 2025. In between these milestones, the DIO is nevertheless committed to continued engagement and design workshops with local representatives and groups to help inform and refine the proposals ahead of our pre-submissionStage 4 Consultation. A planning application will then be submitted late Summer 2025.
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Over the coming months, we will be undertaking a comprehensive and transparent three stage consultation programme, reviewing all feedback received throughout, and where possible, incorporating this into the final proposals prior to submitting an application to Winchester City Council.