Development principles
Our emerging vision for Sir John Moore Barracks has been underpinned by four key development principles, which the team consulted on during the first two stages of consultation. These key development principles have informed the initial concept masterplan that the team are now consulting on for stage 3.
A sustainable place to live
- Safe and attractive connections between new homes and amenities.
- High quality, energy efficient homes.
- Opportunity for development of Winchester’s Northern Park & Ride facility to promote city wide travel options.
A distinctive place
- Celebrating and protecting the site’s green spaces.
- A variety of housing accommodation to create an inclusive neighbourhood.
- Embracing local materials whilst also being innovative in design.
A walkable neighbourhood
- Mixed local facilities within walking distance.
Pedestrian-first streetscape. - Extensive site permeability and connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists inside and outside the site.
- New paths creating safe an attractive routes to green spaces.
- Streets designed to be pedestrian and cycle friendly.
Enhancing biodiversity and the landscape
- Utilise site topography to create a climate adaptive neighbourhood.
- Integrate mature woodland and landscape to provide an attractive setting.
- Enhance existing and create new habitat and improve biodiversity connectivity.
Have your say
Ways you can give your ideas
We are continuing to undertake a comprehensive and transparent four stage consultation programme, reviewing all feedback received throughout, and where possible, incorporating this into the final proposals prior to submitting an application to Winchester City Council.