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In 2016 the MOD embarked on the single biggest estates change programme within Defence. They are investing £5.1Bn in a better structured, modern and more sustainable estate to support military capability and improve security and resilience.

This is aligned with the future capability requirements and force structures set out in Future Soldier which plans for a more agile Army. Relocating the current users of Sir John Moore Barracks to new facilities is part of an ambitious portfolio of interdependent programmes, construction activity unit and personnel moves, and land releases.

As part of the Defence Estate Optimisation (DEO) Portfolio, the MOD is relocating the current users of Sir John Moore Barracks to new facilities.

The training output from Sir John Moore Barracks is being re-provisioned at Alexander Barracks, Pirbright, with the development of the Army’s future Soldier Academy, combining all basic training provision into this new single academy. It enables greater Basic Training Adaptation and creates a world-class Centre of Excellence for all Regular Army noncombat Basic training.

Existing views from the site

Winchester City Council Local plan

Allocated for development

The site is proposed to be allocated within Winchester City Council’s Draft Local Plan (Policy W2) to deliver significant residential led development of between 750-1,000 new homes.

The draft allocation, includes the following requirements (policy wording per Regulation 18 version of emerging the local plan, issued July 2022):

  • Deliver a high-quality design, including the delivery of green spaces, high standards of architectural design, and innovative, sustainable new buildings;
  • Deliver a scheme which relates to the whole of the allocated site or does not prejudice the remainder of the site, avoiding piecemeal development;
  • Provide necessary supporting infrastructure, and create neighbourhood centres with supporting uses (noting that these should be proportionate to any proposed redevelopment and dependent on identified need);
  • Investigates the potential to reuse/repurpose existing buildings and prioritises the use of previously developed land;
  • Considers the need for education on or off-site, and provides suitable sustainable travel links;
  • Provides access off Andover Road and maximises opportunities for sustainable travel;
  • Retain the existing access at Chestnut Avenue/Kennel Lane to be used for pedestrian, cyclist and potential emergency access purposes;
  • Mitigate flooding impacts, deliver SuDS which include multi-functional green/blue links which increase biodiversity on the site and avoid impacts on the SINC;
  • Record and retain features of heritage significance, and provide a heritage trail which celebrates the sites military history;
  • Incorporate and include public realm to create a sense of place;
  • Retain and open the existing leisure centre for public use, subject to an assessment of its viability;
  • Include a Park and Ride of circa 850 spaces.

Previous consultation programme

A previous consultation exercise took place between November 2020 and January 2021. As a result of ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and associated social distancing restrictions, this initial consultation was undertaken virtually and comprised the following elements:

Following this engagement exercise, Winchester City Council announced an extension to the Local Plan Development Scheme timetable, which changed the Reg 18 Local Plan consultation from Spring 2021 to Summer 2022, with adoption of its new Local Plan in 2024. At the same time, the proposed date for the closure Sir John Moore Barracks also shifted from 2024 to 2026, in line with strategic decisions made by the Ministry of Defence (MOD).

Since 2021, the DIO has spent time working closely with its appointed specialist consultant team undertaking further technical work and reviewing the consultation feedback received, seeking to embed this in early ideas for the masterplan wherever possible.

Existing footpath and built form on site

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Ways you can give your ideas

We are continuing to undertake a comprehensive and transparent four stage consultation programme, reviewing all feedback received throughout, and where possible, incorporating this into the final proposals prior to submitting an application to Winchester City Council.

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